
Fees of DéFLE-Lorraine trainings

Academic year 2024-2025



Intensive course - one semester (240h)*

1560 €

Intensive course - academic year (480h)*

3120 €

"à la carte" course (1h) - individual or university member

11 €

"à la carte" course (1h) - jobholders

15 €

Evening course (40h) – free for UL PhD students

560 €

Saturday course (24h)

336 €

Erasmus course (44h)

484 €

B1/B2 DELF exam

110 €

C1/C2 DALF exam

145 €

* The cost is €6.50 per hour. Students registered for the intensive course also have to pay:
- 175 € for university fees ;
- 103 € for CVEC (tax for students) : https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/