"A la carte" course

How to register to the "à la carte" course in DéFLE-Lorraine ?

Interested in an "à la carte" course in Metz with DéFLE-Lorraine? Contact us at defle-contact@univ-lorraine.fr, from September 8th 2023, specifying your current level of French and your availability during the week to take a course

Click here to read more about the "à la carte" course
Click here to see the fees amount


Cancellation and refund


The specific fees payed to the DéFLE-Lorraine cannot be refunded or postponed, unless the student can justify of a case of force majeure with a documentary proof (visa refusal, medical certificate of serious health condition or injury, illness- or death certificate of a relative). Professional imperatives shall not be treated as force majeure circumstances. Administration fees will be deducted.

The cancellation must be submitted no later than one month after departure, to lansad-secretariat-contact@univ-lorraine.fr

You can consult the full refund policy of specific fees by downloading the following PDF: Refund policy of specific fees.pdf